CFPB: Communication Caps
and Call Frequency Limits
Among the clarifications made by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, is a limit on communications made for contact concerning a debt collection. The rules specify what times are appropriate to contact a debtor and how frequently calls can be made to the same person. Staying up-to-date with communication caps and frequency limits is essential for maintaining compliance.
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Among the clarifications made by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, is a limit on communications made for contact concerning a debt collection. The rules specify what times are appropriate to contact a debtor and how frequently calls can be made to the same person. Staying up-to-date with the communication caps and frequency limits is essential for contact centers to maintain compliance.
Today, contact centers need to do more with less. By using TCN’s cloud-based predictive dialing tools and services, clients can leverage the most sophisticated inbound, outbound, and blended calling technologies available, while maximizing available resources and RO — all without massive capital outlay or new staff.
TCN’s award-winning platform offers multiple features to assist in compliance while improving performance with no hardware, no monthly minimums or maintenance fees.
In this webinar, you will learn about:
- 7 Calls in 7 Days
- Time and Location Restrictions
- Exceptions to the CFPB rules
- Answers to common questions
- Best ways to stay compliant