TCN 1.866.745.1900

Bringing TCS Users the Benefits of TCN + Finvi

August 20, 2024 @ 11:00 am (MT)

TCN and Finvi have partnered to deliver fully integrated Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) tools, providing clients with a more comprehensive solution for their revenue recovery needs.

Register for TCN’s upcoming webinar to discover all of the exciting details about this new partnership. In addition, learn how TCS users can access these fully integrated solutions that optimize business workflows, boost agent productivity and improve management visibility — all while providing a high return on investment.

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Meet our panelists

  • Kevin Holst

    Kevin Holst

    Chief Revenue Officer | Finvi

  • Darrin Bird

    Darrin Bird

    Executive Vice President | TCN

  • sam-mason

    Sam Mason

    Co-founder & Chief Operating Officer | Ecliptics

  • chris-dunkam

    Chris Dunkum

    President | First Collection Services (FCS)

Finvi + TCN

A powerhouse partnership
for the ARM industry

As a partnership that brings together two of the collection industry’s well-established and respected companies, TCN and Finvi’s common customer base will reap the benefits of enhanced compliance tools, a dedicated support team and a rich product portfolio geared toward today’s accounts receivable management (ARM) contact center market. Join the webinar to get the full scoop.

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